Learning about Deaf Culture and Audism can help hearing people be more aware of the discrimination the Deaf community faces. It’s important to recognize and educate people about audism in order to improve communication between communities. Education is needed to be kind and respectful to each other.
Hearing people may not be aware that deaf oppression exists. Deaf people use sign language to communicate, where they often need an interpreter when communicating with hearing people. There are varying levels of deaf oppression and discrimination that impact deaf people.
How can we help hearing people become more aware of deaf culture and address audism to prevent discrimination of the Deaf community?

The brightness of the poster’s colors is emphasized, catching the attention of people. When a student signs, their facial expression is emotional. The font style mimics the handwriting of a student, making it more personal and emotionally connecting to the audience
Follow #deafawareness on social media for update how to learn more about audism and deaf culture. They can learn about audism (tips, event about audism, and people’s own stories about audism)

Spreading the “I love you” sign used in Deaf culture to hearing people can lead to greater recognition of the Deaf community and the importance of equal access